Behavior and Practices about Novel
coronavirus (COVID-19) in Jizan
region: Cross-sectional study 2020
Mona H. El-Mahdy1,
Samy S. Mahmoud 2, Amani Osman Abdelmola3,
Other I. Darraj1, Reham A. Madkhali1,
Alanoud M. Masmali1, Shatha M. Jaafari1,
Noura A. Duhmi1, Dina M. Maafa1,
Reem M. Majrashi1, Atiaf M. Mubaraky1,
Zenat A.Khird4
(1) Professor Family and Community
Medicine Department Jazan University,
Professor in Community Medicine
Department, Benha University
(2) Family and community medicine
department, faculty of medicine,
Jazan University, KSA, Public health
and Occupational medicine department,
faculty of medicine, Al-Azhar University,
Cairo, Egypt
(3) Family and community medicine
department Jazan university
(4) Department of surgery Jazan
Corresponding author:
Mona Hussein Elmahdy
Professor Family and Community Medicine
Department Jazan University, Professor
in Community Medicine Department,
Benha University
Received: June 2023. Accepted:
July 2023; Published: August 1,
2023.Citation: El-Mahdy MH et al.
Knowledge, behavior and Practices
about Novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
in Jizan region) Cross-sectional
study 2020. World Family Medicine.
August 2023; 21(7): 36-50 DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2023.95256142

SARSCoV2 disease 2019 (COVID-19)
is a serious ongoing pandemic
that causes death worldwide.
Unprecedented steps have been
taken to contain the ongoing
COVID-19 epidemic in Saudi
Arabia. Compliance with personal
measures is influenced by
their knowledge, behavior,
and practices toward COVID-19.
To determine the knowledge,
behavior, and practice of
COVID-19 among the population
in Jizan City in Saudi Arabia.
and Methods: A cross-sectional
web-based survey was conducted
on Jizan residents from December
2019 April 2020. The
data was collected through
convenient sampling using
internet-based surveys distributed
to participants using the
snowball technique.
All residents over the age
of 15 could participate in
this study. Data analysis
was performed using (SPSS).
A total of 527 participants
were included in this study.
The survey revealed that 52.4%
of participants had good knowledge
(8.8 ± 2.34 points
out of 12), 60.9% had good
behavior (7.4 ± 2.19
points out of 10), and 36.2%
had good practices towards
COVID-19 (7.9 ± 2.46
points out of 12). It was
found that age and level of
education were significantly
associated with good knowledge
about the COVID-19 virus (p
< 0.01). Moreover, age
and occupation were significantly
associated with good behavior
toward the COVID-19 virus
(p < 0.01). However, Occupation
was the only factor significantly
associated with good practice
toward the COVID-19 virus
(p < 0.05).
Jizan region residents
show good knowledge and behavior
toward COVID-19 prevention.
However, it is not accompanied
by good practice toward COVID-19
. Thus, text messages from
health authorities and governments
are recommended. The above-related
factors should be considered
in the application of those
COVID-19, Knowledge, behavior,
Practices, Cross-sectional