of Type 2 Diabetic Patients to Antidiabetic
Medications and its Associated Factors
in Najran Armed Forces Hospital,
Saudi Arabia
Metrek Almetrek1,
Maryam Alqahtani2, Asrar Al Mudawi2,
Atheer Assiri2, Alaa Alfayi2, Nouf
Alotaibi2, Mohammed Quhal2, Sara
Sanad2, Mona Alshahrani3, Norah
Alshehri3, Seham Alzahrani3, Albatoul
Al Margan4, Anwar Al Sharyan4, Mai
Faris Al Margan4, Fatimah Alkhaywani4,
Aljawharh Alyami4, Sarah Al-qablai5,
Mona Al-Ahmary3, Faisal Ali M. Al-Qarni6
1. Family & Community College
of Medicine, Najran University,
Najran Saudi Arabia, Najran Saudi
2. Pharmacy Department at Najran
Armed Forces Hospital, Najran Saudi
3. Khamis Mushait General Hospital,
Asser Region Saudi Arabia
4. Internship Department, College
of Medicine, Najran University,
Najran Saudi Arabia
5. Armed Forces Hospital Southern
Region, Khamis Mushait Saudi Arabia
6. Blood Bank, Aseer Central Hospital,
Abha, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding Author
Dr. Metrek A. Almetrek
Received: November 2023. Accepted:
November 2023; Published: December
1, 2023.Citation: Metrek Almetrek
et al. Adherence of Type 2 Diabetic
Patients to Antidiabetic Medications
and its Associated Factors in Najran
Armed Forces Hospital, Saudi Arabia.
World Family Medicine. December
2023; 21(11): 109-119 DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2023.95256237

Adherence to antidiabetic
medications is crucial for
optimum glycemic control and
decreasing complications.
This study aimed to assess
adherence to antidiabetic
medications and the associated
factors among individuals
with type-2 diabetes mellitus
(T2DM) attending chronic illness
clinics at Najran Armed Forces
Hospital (NAFH), Najran Region,
Saudi Arabia.
A cross-sectional study
was conducted. A systematic
sampling technique was used.
Morisky Medication Adherence
Scale (MMAS) scores were used
for labeling patients as adherent
or non-adherent. Data were
entered and analyzed using
SPSS version 20. To see the
association of variables logistic
regression with OR and 95%
CI was done.
A total of 288 study participants
were interviewed with a response
rate of 100%. The level of
adherence was found to be
85%. Factors found to be significantly
associated with antidiabetic
medication adherence were
level of education (AOR =
14.27, 95% CI = 3.0, 67.82),
duration of diabetes (AOR
= 6.10, 95% CI = 2.03, 18.34),
and knowledge about DM and
its medications (AOR = 28.05,
95% CI = 8.96, 87.8).
and Recommendations: Our
study, a family medicine-based
cross-sectional study, found
high medication adherence
by patients with T2DM regarding
their prescribed diabetes
medication. Low adherence
was significantly associated
with educational status, duration
of diabetes, and knowledge.
We recommend improving T2DM
patients knowledge related
to diabetes and note the importance
of compliance with the medication
regimen through several health
education sessions at diabetic
educators, coaches, and other
healthcare facilities. These
sessions can be delivered
by physicians and other healthcare
providers, namely, nurses
and community pharmacists.
Type 2 diabetes, adherence
to medications, Najran Armed
Forces Hospital, Najran Region.