Level of Knowledge, Awareness, and
Practice Regarding Osteoporosis
among Female Adults in Hail city,
Saudi Arabia
Ahmed Mohammed
Mohialdin 1, Salem Hmoud Alswayda
2, Hammad Yousef Alomaim 3,Motab
Ali Alsulaiman 4, Hamoud Ali Almatrood
5, Hassan Salamah Alfuhaid 6,Shamekh
Rshaid Alshammari 7, Ibrahim Abdullah
Alnais 8, Othman Mohammad Alassaf
(1) University of hail Faculty
of Medicine Hail, Saudi Arabia (2)
Orthopedic Surgery Department,King
Saud Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia(3) Orthopedic Surgery Department
King Abdulaziz Medical City National
Guard Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
(4) General & Laparoscopic Surgery
Department King Salman Specialist
Hospital Hail, Saudi Arabia
(5) Emergency department King Salman
Specialist Hail , Saudi Arabia
(6) Internal Medicine Department
King Salman Specialist Hospital
Hail, Saudi Arabia
(7) General & Laparoscopic Surgery
Department King Salman Specialist
Hospital Hail, Saudi Arabia
(8) Internal medicine department,
Riyadh health second cluster, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
(9) Department of ophthalmology,
King Khalid general hospital, Hail,
Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author:
Dr. Othman Alassaf
Ophthalmology Department, King Khalid
Hospital, Hail, Saudi Arabia.
Received: December 2023. Accepted:
December 2023; Published: January
1, 2024.Citation: Ahmed Mohammed
Mohialdin et al. The Level of Knowledge,
Awareness, and Practice Regarding
Osteoporosis among Female Adults
in Hail city, Saudi Arabia. World
Family Medicine. December 2024;
22(1): 37-43 DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2024.95257005

is a cross-sectional study
conducted on the adult female
population of Hail city. Informed
consent was obtained from
the participants through the
electronic survey. The sample
size needed to enroll was
384, estimated from the total
female population of Hail
city 267,113 by Raosoft sample
size calculator, with a 95%
confidence interval and 5%
margin of error (General Authority
for statistics). All Saudi
females in Hail city constituted
the study population. However,
all non-Saudi females and
males, Saudi or otherwise,
were excluded from the study
population. We used the Osteoporosis
Knowledge Assessment Tool
(OKAT) which was pre-validated,
translated to Arabic, and
self-answered questionnaire.
The OKAT survey is a valid
measurement of knowledge of
risk factors for osteoporosis,
(Tania M Winzenberg et al,
2003). It consists of 20 statements;
the first 12 assess the knowledge
of osteoporosis, 4 questions
assess the attitude towards
osteoporosis and the last
4 questions assess the preventive
factors of osteoporosis. Each
statement has three choices,
true, false, and I do not
OKAT survey was translated
into Arabic language which
is found to be reliable and
acceptable according to Sayed-Hassan
et al.
questionnaire was distributed
randomly through social media
platforms during the period
from March to May 2020.
Knowledge, awareness,
practice, osteoporosis, Saudi