Spectrum Disorders in Children
Rofayda Mansour
Ahmad Mohamad 1, Rahaf Masoud D
Albalawi 2, Nouf Salem Albalawi
2, Nawaf Farhan Alghamdi 3, Naif
Ibrahim Alzahrani 3, Zahraa Hussain
Aljeshi 4,Hanan Ali Atafi 5, Hotoon
Kamel Alghaythee 5, Alyaa Mohammed
Izaldin Haider 5, Zainab Esameldeen
Abujamal 3, Alhanouf Radhyan Alruwili
6, Majed Mohammad Qaysi 7
(1) Consultant Community Medicine,
Department of Preventive medicine,
King Salman Armed Forces Hospital
in Northwestern Region, Tabuk, Saudi
(2) Medical Student, Tabuk University,
Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
(3) Intern Medicine, King Abdulaziz
University, Jedda , Saudi Arabia
(4) Medical intern, King Abdulaziz
University, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia
(5) Medical Student, King Abdulaziz
University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia(6)
Medical Student, Vision College,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia(7) Medical
Student, Jazan University, Jazan,
Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author:
Rofayda Mansour Ahmad Mohamad
Consultant Community Medicine ,
Department of Preventive medicine,
King Salman Armed Forces Hospital
in Northwestern Region,Tabuk, Saudi
ArabiaMobile No.: 0545450874
Received: August 2023. Accepted:
September 2023; Published: October
1, 2023.Citation: Rofayda Mansour
Ahmad Mohamad et al. Autism Spectrum
Disorders in Children. World Family
October 2023; 21(9): 55-62. DOI:

Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
describe a category of neurodevelopmental
disorders in which individuals
experience difficulties of
social interaction and age-appropriate
play and struggle to establish
healthy peer interactions
at their stage of development.
This study will address the
various aspects of Autism
in children including clinical
symptoms, evaluation, diagnosis
and widely used medication
or care.
The search strategy involved
utilizing two primary sources
for obtaining relevant literature:
Google Scholar and PubMed.
The inclusion criteria comprised
articles published in peer-reviewed
journals, written in English,
and focusing on ASD in children.
Studies with diverse designs,
including experimental, observational,
and review studies, were considered.
While children with autism
spectrum disorders share many
characteristics with children
that have other developmental
disorders and can benefit
from many of the same educational
strategies, they pose specific
challenges for families, teachers,
and others who collaborate
with them. A deficiency in
non-verbal and verbal communication
requires a great deal of effort
and ability, including in
teaching basic knowledge.
Special challenges in social
interaction (e.g.,joint attention)
may require more individual
instruction than most children
to gain and retain their childrens
attention. Furthermore, ordinary
social interactions between
peers do not typically take
place without active preparation
and ongoing adult structuring
in the childs environment.
Conclusion: The lack
of traditional friendships
and peer relationships influences
child motivation structures
and the sense of experience.
Adequate social experiences
can be some of the most challenging
and valuable lessons a child
with autism spectrum disorders
can learn.
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders),
QOL (Quality Of Life), neurodevelopmental
conditions, PA (Physical Activity),