and Emotional Domestic Violence
among Jazan University Female Students
Mona H El
Mahdy1, Sarah El-Reffaey2,
Samy S. Mahmoud3,
Amani Osman Abdelmola4, Azhar
Mohammed Alfaifi5, Fatimah
H. Dallak6,
Anwar jafar Alnass7, Roaa
Shaikhain8, Maryam Othman
Asayel Ahmad Hozaimi10, Hoida
Hadi Hadi Sahl11,
Nada Mohammed Makein12
(1) Professor, Family and Community
Medicine Department Jazan University.
Professor in Community Medicine
Department, Benha University. (2)
Department of Internal Medicine
& Forensic Medicine, Faculty
of Medicine, Jazan University, KSA;
Zagazig University, Egypt.
(3) Assistant Professor of family
and community medicine department,
Faculty of medicine, Jazan University,
KSA; Assistant professor of Public
health and Occupational medicine
department, Faculty of Medicine,
Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
(4) Assistant Professor of Family
and Community Medicine Department
Jazan University.
(5) Abuarish General Hospital, Jazan,
Saudi Arabia
(6) Prince Mohammed Bin Nasser Hospital,
Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
(7) Alrazi primary health care center,
Jubail, Saudi Arabia
(8) Medical student, 4th year, Faculty
of Medicine, Jazan Unversity, KSA.
(9) Medical intern, City: Jazan.
(10) GP, City: Jazan
(11) Samtah Primary Healthcare Center,
Jazan, Saudi Arabia
(12) Lecturer in family and Community
Medicine Department Jazan university.
Corresponding author:
Mona Hussein Elmahdy
Professor Family and Community Medicine
Department Jazan University,
Professor in Community Medicine
Department, Benha University.
Received: July 2023. Accepted:
August 2023; Published: September
1, 2023.Citation: Mona H El Mahdy.
Physical and Emotional Domestic
Violence Knowledge among Jazan University
Female Students
.World Family Medicine. August 2023;
21(8): 74-86 DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2023.952561826

Domestic violence against
females is one of the most
important social problems
negatively affecting health
psychologically and physically.
This study aims to estimate
the prevalence of violence
against female students at
Jazan University, Saudi Arabia,
and identify their knowledge
and response towards emotional
and physical domestic violence.
of study: It is a descriptive
cross-sectional, observational
type of epidemiologic study
conducted on 450 female students
at 3 Faculties, female sections,
Jazan University, for eight
weeks. The data was collected
using an Arabic questionnaire
containing 35 questions and
analyzed by SPSS Program.
25.6% of the female students
in the studied sample were
exposed to domestic violence
at some point. The emotional
type is the most prevalent
(18.3%), followed by the physical
type (16.9%). Arts faculties
showed the highest rate of
domestic violence (11.3%),
followed by health faculties
(9.3%), and the science faculties
exhibited the lowest rates
(4.9%). Most participants
(15.78%) believed that male
power in Jazan society allows
them to emotionally abuse
women, while 15.33% thought
that physical violence against
womenis mainly caused by mens
abuse of drugs and alcohol.
94.5% of the participants
believed that violence against
women has a negative impact
on children and teenagers,
and 86.5% supposed that the
most significant psychological
effects of violence against
women are loss of self-confidence,
frustration, and depression.
Domestic violence against
females is prevalent in the
Jazan community, with various
socio-demographic and economic
determinants influencing its
occurrence. The most prevalent
type is emotional domestic
violence. Arts faculties showed
the highest rating of domestic
violence, then health faculties,
and the least, science faculties.
Increase community awareness
about domestic violence. Religious
leaders sustain the greatest
responsibility to increase
awareness according to the
rules of the Islamic religion.
words: Knowledge, physical
and emotional domestic violence,
Jazan University female students