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April 2020 - Volume
18, Issue 4 |
Prevalence of Symptoms and
Risk of Sleep Apnea in the northern Population
of Pakistan
Faryal Subhani (1)
Usman Ali (1)
Rohan Advani (1)
Muneeb Hussain (1)
Waris Qidwai (2)
(1) Medical Student, Aga Khan University, Pakistan
(2) Professor,Department of Family Medicine,
Aga Khan University, Karachi
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Waris Qidwai, MBBS, MCPS (FM), FCPS (FM),
Professor, Department of Family Medicine
Aga Khan University, Karachi
Stadium Road, PO Box: 3500
Karachi-74800, Pakistan
Tel: 92-21-3486-4940 (Office) 92-3018216783(Cell)
Fax: 92-21-3493-4294
Email: waris.qidwai@aku.edu
Received: Febuary 2020; Accepted: March 2020;
Published: April 1, 2020. Citation: Faryal Subhani
et al. Prevalence of Symptoms and Risk of Sleep
Apnea in the northern Population of Pakistan.
World Family Medicine. 2020; 18(4): 25-32 DOI:
Background: Sleep
apnea is a chronic condition characterized
by frequent episodes of upper airway collapse
during sleep causing episodes of apnea
and hypo-apnea. These episodes of apnea
and hypo-apnea can cause repetitive hypoxia
and awaken one from sleep. Increasingly,
obstructive sleep apnea is also being
recognized as an independent risk factor
for several clinical consequences, including
systemic hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, stroke, and abnormal glucose
Objective: To
identify the prevalence and risk factors
of sleep apnea in Chitral, Pakistan.
Method: A
cross sectional study was conducted at
the THQ hospital Booni, Chitral. The survey
was conducted on individuals who had come
to the hospital as attendants, patients
or visitors of the admitted patients.
We used the Berlin questionnaire to identify
individuals at risk for OSA. The Urdu
version of the Berlin questionnaire was
embedded in our survey questionnaire.
Written consent was obtained. Data was
collected and analyzed using SPSS.
52 of a total 408 were at high-risk for
OSAS according to the Berlin scale Questionnaire.
Hence, the prevalence estimates of individuals
at high-risk for OSAS was 12.75%. These
participants were more likely to have
conditions such as previous coronary artery
disease, high cholesterol, and hypertension.
There is a high prevalence of OSA
in Chitral and it is also associated with
obesity, coronary diseases, smoking, and
hypertension which is why it is important
to have a proper evaluation and early
screening for it. Given the high prevalence
and association of OSA with many diseases,
it is also important to increase awareness
among physicians and the general population
of rural areas, about the clinical presentations,
risk factors and complications of OSAS.
Key words:
sleep apnea; prevalence; smoking; coronary
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