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the Editor |

A. Abyad (Chief Editor) |
Original Contribution
Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Ha'il City,
Saudi Arabia
Khalid Farhan Alshammari, Kareemah Salem Alshurtan,
Abdulaziz Fahad Alhumaid, Abdulilah Saad Aldhmadi,
Abdulaziz Khalid Alshammari, Saleh Ali Alsanea,
Abdullah Ibrahim Alrasheed, Hassan Salamah Alfuhaid,
Hamoud Ali Almatrood
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94042
Does workplace Physical and Psychological
violence exist against physicians and nurses
in Primary Health Care Centers in Kuwait? A
cross-sectional study
Huda Al-Ghareeb, Rehab Al-Wotayan
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94043
Awareness, perceptions and knowledge of strabismus
among Ha'il population, KSA
Amani Mohammed Khalifa Mabrouk, Hala Mohammed
Alshammari, Razan Fehaid Alshammari, Taif Mohammed
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94044
A Case Study on Addressing Nurses' Practice
Gaps in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and Hypertension
Diagnoses in the Gulf Region
Amar Salti, Ashraf Al Amir, Tawfik Albassam,
Said Khader, Donna Lanuzo, Najla Sindi, Mahmoud
Bakir, Lubna El-Najjar, Urooj Siddiqui
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94047
Knowledge, Behavior and Practice Toward
Paediatric Tonsillectomy Among Parents in Aseer
region, Saudi Arabia (2020)
Ali Maeed Sulaiman Al-Shehri, Mohammed Abdullah
Alshehri, Nada Ali Alqahtani Wajd Abdulwahab
Almathami, Sara Ali Almagrafi, Nazneen Mushtaque
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94048
The growing epidemic of Social and cultural
Iatrogenesis in Pakistan
Muhammad Farooq, Shaheer Ellahi Khan, Syeda
Ayesha Noor, Ramsha Asghar, Kashif Ishaq
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94049
Glycaemic Control and Dyslipidemia among
patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in diabetes
center Al-Baha region, Saudi Arabia
Riyadh Ab dullah AlghamdiAhmad Shaker Eldosouky,
Ali Dakhel Alghamdi,
Mohammad Abdullah Alzahrani, Ahmed Hassan Alghamdi
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94050
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Primary
Care Physicians Regarding Colon Cancer in Abha
City, Saudi Arabia
Saleh Ahmed Alshaikhi, Ahmed Shubaily Assiri,
Ayoub Ali Alshaikh, Saif Ahmed Alshaikhi, Hassan
Ahmed Assiri, Omar Ahmed Alshaiki, Hussain Abdulgader
Aljefry, Mohammed Mashni Alharbi, Abdullah Hashim
Alzubaidy, Yousef Hussain AlZahib, Ahmed Abdullah
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94052
Population and Community
Pneumococcal and Influenza vaccination amongst
diabetics in the GCC: Exploring barriers and
strategies for improvement
Sahar Naz, Ali Khalid, Robin Ramsay
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94053
Clinical Research and
The Role of Project Management in Public
Razan Abyad
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94054
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease and poorly
controlled asthma in pediatric population: are
they linked? Effect of anti-reflux treatment
Samer Abdullatif Ali
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94056
Burn Wound Infections: A Review Article
Aminah AlTurki, Alanoud AlKhalifah, Ghadah AlBarrak,
Ihsan Nasr Eldin, Shahd Al Mahfud, Yara AlHarbi
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94057
Role of Vitamin D on Body Systems
Ghaleb Mohd Faisal Abu Hwij, Samer Abdullatif
DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2021.94058
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May 2021 - Volume
19, Issue 5 |
In this issue we have papers from the region
and Malaysia covering various topics and a good
review dealing with Vitamin D deficiency and
project management in health. Naz et al., looked
at pneumococcal and influenza vaccination amongst
diabetics in the GCC: Exploring barriers and
strategies for improvement. They stressed the
alarming rise in the prevalence of diabetes
mellitus (DM) within the Gulf Co-operation Council
(GCC) has become a major public health concern.
Respiratory infections in diabetics can result
in a high morbidity and mortality rate, hence
all the Arab states recommend pneumococcal and
influenza vaccination for patients with diabetes.
The few studies that have measured the rate
of vaccination of within the GCC have consistently
reported it to be poor. This is a cause for
concern given the exponential rate at which
diabetes is increasing within the region. The
aim of this article is to highlight the importance
of vaccination in diabetic patients, elaborate
on the barriers faced in their promotion and
propose strategies to improve vaccination rates.
Al-Ghareeb et al., did a retrospective cross-sectional
study was conducted in Kuwait in one year (Jan
2020 to Jan 2021) in 50 PHC centers in five
health regions in Kuwait and surveyed 446 participants
(220 physicians, 226 nurses) who are working
in PHC centers for at least a year and have
regular contact with patients or clients by
using a designed WHO self-administered questionnaire.
the frequency and consequences of physical.
The response rate for all staff was 89%.The
highest respondent rate was from nurses (90%
) and the lowest respondent rate was from physicians(88%).
The authors concluded that the results showed
that the violence towards health care professionals
(physicians and nurses) occur frequently and
exists against physicians and nurses in Primary
Health Care Centers in Kuwait . Health care
workers should feel secure and confident in
their working environment by reducing violence
prevalence and increase job satisfaction by
understanding the causes and factors that influence
the increasing levels of violence. More research's
is needed on occupational support provisions
that reduce the risk of staff experiencing physical
and psychological violence and the stress that
is associated with it.
Mabrouk, et al., did
a cross-sectional study, conducted in Hail,
KSA from May 1 5, 2020, till October 2020 was
carried out using the SPSS program. 411 adult
persons lived in Ha'il region, aged 18 years
and more, were the material of the present study.
Most of the participants were Saudi (97%), female
(69.4%), and most of them were highly educated,
76.7% knew the definition of squint, 56% knew
at least one cause of strabismus, 43% knew the
symptoms and the main source of information
was family /friends in 27.5%.
Salti et al., did
a qualitative descriptive case study describes
the implementation of training workshops for
enhancing nurses' skills in accurate blood pressure
(BP) measurement and screening for diabetic
peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Ninety nurses attended
three full-day workshops conducted in Jeddah
and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Dubai, United Arab
Emirates. The workshops included learning modules
on BP, DPN and diabetic foot care, a practical
session on correct utilization of BP and DPN
assessment tools and case study discussions.
The nurses reported that the workshop was relevant
to clinical practice and expanded their skills
and knowledge. They believed it provided value
as they received hands-on training in DPN diagnostic
tools and proper BP measurement technique. The
participating hospitals reported greater nurse
involvement in diabetes management. The authors
concluded that the continuous education of nurses
on the latest recommendations and tools must
be encouraged to ensure better patient outcomes.
Screening tools for DPN should be incorporated
in the nurse triage for diabetic patients to
enable early detection of diabetic foot complications.
Similar workshops can be conducted and
utilized as training modules to enhance the
skills of caregivers and other healthcare professionals.
Samer et al., looked at whether Gastro-esophageal
reflux disease and poorly controlled asthma
in pediatric population: are they linked? Effect
of anti-reflex treatment. Using internet search,
a comprehensive literature review was done and
words such as Bronchial asthma, gastro esophageal
reflux disease, Asthma; Proton pump inhibitors;
were searched. The references of the relevant
articles on this subject were also searched
for further information. Results: Analyses of
results of various studies from various parts
of the world were considered and their prevalence
was noted to access the correlation between
asthma and GERD. Conclusion: The results of
review researches indicate a relationship between
gastroesophageal reflux and asthma, patients
with persistent asthma should be screened for
reflux and receive treatment for better control
of their asthma.
Al-Shehri et al., attempted to assess the knowledge,
behavior, and practice of parents regarding
the tonsillectomy process for children in Aseer.
Data were collected from participants using
an electronic pre-structured questionnaire.
The researchers developed the questionnaire
by the help of field experts and after intensive
literature review. Tool was reviewed using a
panel of 3 experts for validation and applicability.
Out of total 239 respondents the mean (SD) age
of the respondents were 32.71(10.71). 65% were
fathers and 35% were mothers. From the data
we have observed that 15.5% of the children's
of the respondents had pass through the tonsillectomy
process. The authors concluded that the educational
level and socioeconomic status of the parents
were the key factors associated with these positive
behaviors. These results indicate that conducting
educational programs on tonsillectomy can be
Al Turki, et al., presented a review on the
important topic of burn wound infections. Burn
wounds induce metabolic alterations that predispose
the patient to various complications. Infection
is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality
in this population. Bacterial profile of burn
wound patients is diverse, depending on timing
and location of injury. Early after burning,
the predominant microorganisms is gram-positive
bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. Subsequently,
the burn wound colonizes with variety of microorganisms
comprising both susceptible and multi-drug resistant
gram-negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa
and Acinetobacter species. This review will
help in understanding the epidemiology of burn
wound infection and the prevalence of highly
resistant bacteria in burn wound patients. In
addition, it illustrates the role of strict
infection control practices in preventing the
nosocomial transmission of microorganisms among
burn patients, and it provide guidance for empiric
antibiotic therapy to avoid unnecessary broad
antibiotic usage, which will reduce mortality
and morbidity related to infections and decrease
incidence of multi-drug resistant organisms
in burn unit.
Farooq, et al., explored the incidence of iatrogenesis
due to errors by physicians, adverse drug reactions
(ADRs) and unhygienic conditions in hospital
environment. The main hypothesis for the present
study was "higher the errors in diagnosis,
prescription, and adverse reactions of drugs,
higher will be the risk of Iatrogenesis".
Survey research is conducted by developing questionnaire.
The data is collected from 300 hospitalized
and outdoor patients from hospitals of District
and Tehsil Head Quarters Hospitals of BhakkarThe
value of Cronbach's Alpha for 17 items of "Iatrogenesis"
is .879 that ensures the strong reliability
of the tool and consistency of responses; having
N =300, with a mean = 55.34 and std. deviation
= 12.354. The results show that respondents
are well aware that their health is more at
risk because of errors in Physician's diagnosis
and prescription and iatrogenesis incidence
is prevailing due to high dosage of drug taken;
adverse reaction of drugs and unhygienic conditions
of hospital environment. The authors concluded
that health professionals are creating unrealistic
demands for consumption of more and more medicine
and medical treatment.
Alghamdi, et al., tried to assess Glycaemic
Control and Dyslipidemia in type 1 diabetic
patients in diabetic center Al-Baha region,
Saudi Arabia.A record based descriptive cross
sectional was conducted at diabetes center in
Al-Baha region, located in the southern area
of Saudi Arabia. The study included 225 children
with type 1 DM. Children ages ranged from 1
to 21 years with mean age of 10.4 ± 3.5
years old. Exact of 120 (53.3%) diabetic children
were males. Majority of the diabetic children
had the diseases for 1-4 years (63.6%; 143).
The authors concluded that the current study
revealed that dyslipidemia is a common finding
among diabetic cases including type 1 diabetes
mellites. Also, there is a significant association
between glycaemic control and having abnormal
lipid profile especially for cholesterol and
Alshaiki, et al., Follow a cross-sectional
design, this study was conducted at primary
health care (PHC) centers to assess primary
care physicians' knowledge and practices regarding
screening for colorectal cancer (CC) in Abha
City. It included 104 PHC physicians. The data
collection sheet included sociodemographic data
of participants and a modified form of the National
Survey of Primary Care Physicians' Cancer Screening
Recommendations and Practices, Colorectal and
Lung Cancer Screening Questionnaire. Fecal occult
blood test (FOBT) was the CC screening test
most commonly recommended (76%). The authors
concluded that
about two-thirds of them have poor knowledge
grade regarding colorectal screening. FOBT is
the CC screening test most commonly discussed
and recommended by PHC physicians. Cost of screening
test is the most influential regarding PHC physicians'
recommendations for colorectal cancer screening.
Practice grades are significantly better among
those with more experience in PHC and among
those who attended CME on cancer screening.
Alshammari, et al., did a cross-sectional study
that was conducted via a pre-validated questionnaire
and was distributed among different social media
with a sample size of 394 diabetic patients.
The purpose of the study is to determine the
prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease
in diabetes mellitus patients. The prevalence
of diabetes mellitus was 24.6%. most participants
(98.9%) had a 50% or greater chance of developing
GERD. Only type of management of diabetes were
found to be a significant factor in developing
GERD (P value = 0.001). The authors concluded
that the prevalence of GERD symptoms in diabetic
patients is not uncommon, 98.9% of the participants
had a 50% likelihood developing GERD. The higher
the duration of DM, the lower the risk of exhibiting
symptoms of GERD.
Abu Hwij & Ali looked at the role of vitamin
D in the human body. They stressed that Vit
D is essential for calcium and bone homeostasis,
especially in children because childhood and
adolescence are the most critical periods for
bone development. The role of Vit D is not limited
to bone health as it also has important roles
in many extra-skeletal targets throughout the
body, such as the muscles, immune system, and
the cardiovascular system. Severe vitamin D
deficiency (VDD) is a well-established cause
of disease, including hypocalcemia and skeletal
abnormalities (e.g., rickets). Although severe
deficiency causing classic bone manifestations
is now rare, many adults and children endure
a subclinical VDD state that may predispose
them to neurologic, cardiovascular, respiratory,
and immune pathology.
Razan reviewed the issue of the use of project
management technique in healthcare and public
health. She stressed that the research into
the factors that influence project management
performance and success has been ongoing for
several years, and as a result, the literature
on this subject is fairly extensive. While success
is a central concept in project management (PM),
the literature on topics related to PM success
is relatively extensive and generalist. Numerous
metrics and factors affecting the success of
a project are common across industries, although
some are unique. The focus of public health
action projects and programs is on the protection
of the health of specific target groups or populations,
and many of them address issues of survival.
Public health projects, on the other hand, have
a different focus; they are concerned with creating
the conditions necessary for people to be healthy,
and they are critical for population welfare.
Their unique characteristics justify the need
for research to develop a unique model of success
factors to assist top management and project
managers with planning and operational management.
A model of success factors would assist in identifying,
controlling, and mitigating issues that increase
the likelihood of going in the wrong direction,
while strengthening those that add value or
increase the likelihood of succeeding. It would
also be beneficial as a predictive and diagnostic
tool for objectively and gradually reducing
the probability of project failure, thereby
assisting in project performance improvement.
The success of public health projects requires
a systematic approach and the application of
a comprehensive set of success criteria. This
article provides a concise overview of the literature
on the use of project management in public health.
Abdulrazak Abyad
Chief Editor
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